Tuesday, September 9, 2014

3 depressions spotted in Dyngjujökull

There are now three cauldron (depressions) seen in Dyngjujökull outlet glacier. The size of the latest seen cauldron has not been estimated yet. According to RÚV, the cauldron ws spotted on the surveillance fliget over the glacier on sunday.

All three cauldrons are on in line with the magma intrusion, which is feeding lava into the Holuhraun eruption.

According to RÚV, the cauldrons are thought to have been formed due to small, shortlived subglacial eruptions. They have been so small, that the meltwater level in the glacial river Jökullsá á Fjöllum have not changed.

Three days ago, a cauldron located 6 kilometers inside the glacier was estimated to be 35 meters deep and getting deeper.


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